Beadwork Designer of the year 2016Beadwork Designer of the year 2016

I am very proud to tell you I was asked by Beadwork Magazine, to be one of the designers of the year 2016. There will be a design of mine in every issue of 2016
Aurora Skies is the first in the February March magazine

Aurora Skies by Akke Jonkhof Aurora Skies by Akke Jonkhof Aurora Skies by Akke Jonkhof Aurora Skies by Akke Jonkhof Aurora Skies by Akke JonkhofIk ben heel trots dat ik hier kan melden dat ik ben gevraagd door Beadwork Magazine om 1 van hun designers of the year 2016 te zijn. Dit betekent dat er in alle uitgaven van 2016 een ontwerp van mij zal staan

De eerste is Aurora Skies:

Aurora Skies by Akke Jonkhof Aurora Skies by Akke Jonkhof Aurora Skies by Akke Jonkhof Aurora Skies by Akke Jonkhof Aurora Skies by Akke Jonkhof