I picked up my beads to do something totally different, I made a kaleidocycle and I loved doing it
I was inspired to start after I joint the Kaleidocycle Face book group started by DiMarca online: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Kaleidocycle
Using the basic instructions provided by DiMarca online I made my own with as little extra some bling with Crystal mesh
Together with DiMarca Online we made a pattern for my Turning treasures Kaleidoscoop. The pattern is avaialble in my shop: https://www.etsy.com/nl/listing/679903137/english-pattern-for-the-turning-treasure or at DiMarca- online: https://www.dimarca-online.com/tutorial-turning-treasures-by-akke-sieraden-kaleidocycle-incl-basic-tutorial-download-link-per-e-mail.html