Superduo DuetsSuperduo Duets

Today a new bead is launched. It is not an new bead shape, but is is a older bead in a totally new appearance. The new Superduo Duet has 2 colours, which give a total new way of using them.
I had the chance to try them and here are my first ( and for sure not the last) results. design Akke Jonkhof

design Akke Jonkhof

design Akke Jonkhof

design Akke Jonkhof

design Akke Jonkhof

design Akke Jonkhof

design Akke JonkhofToday a new bead is launched. It is not an new bead shape, but is is a older bead in a totally new appearance. The new Superduo duet has 2 colours which give a total new way of using them.
I had the chance to trie them and her are my first ( and for sure not the last) results. design Akke Jonkhof

design Akke Jonkhof

design Akke Jonkhof

design Akke Jonkhof

design Akke Jonkhof

design Akke Jonkhof

design Akke Jonkhof