Creativa DortmundCreativa Dortmund

Are you coming to the Creativa in Dortmund?
Please join me in some great workshops:

“String a Little Bling Bracelet and Earrings” by me –
at the booth of DiMarca Online: A38

You will be able to bead either a bracelet or earrings.
2-hole beads and Pinch beads are used together with seed beads and blingy Swarovski Crystal Mesh.

The workshop dates: 18th, 19th and 20th of March 2016 –
2 classes each day!

Come to the booth of DiMarca online (5.A38) and select your kits to attend the workshops.
The classes take between 30 minutes and 1½ hrs.
Pre-registeration for these workshops is not required.

The course is intended for intermediate beaders or beginners with basic knowledge.

The kit price for the Bracelet including all materials and instruction is between €12,50 and €16 (depending on the selected colors).
The kit price for the Earrings including all materials and instruction is €10.

More information or questions:

design Akke Jonkhof design Akke Jonkhof design Akke Jonkhof

I also sell my patterns at  the booth of DiMarca online (5.A38) for a special fair price

Are you coming to the Creativa in Dortmund?
Please join me in some great workshops:

“String a Little Bling Bracelet and Earrings” by me –
at the booth of DiMarca Online: A38

You will be able to bead either a bracelet or earrings.
2-hole beads and Pinch beads are used together with seed beads and blingy Swarovski Crystal Mesh.

The workshop dates: 18th, 19th and 20th of March 2016 –
2 classes each day!

Come to the booth of DiMarca online (5.A38) and select your kits to attend the workshops.
The classes take between 30 minutes and 1½ hrs.
Pre-registeration for these workshops is not required.

The course is intended for intermediate beaders or beginners with basic knowledge.

The kit price for the Bracelet including all materials and instruction is between €12,50 and €16 (depending on the selected colors).
The kit price for the Earrings including all materials and instruction is €10.

More information or questions:

design Akke Jonkhof design Akke Jonkhof design Akke Jonkhof


I also sell my patterns at  the booth of DiMarca online (5.A38) for a special fair price

2 gedachten over “Creativa DortmundCreativa Dortmund

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