Coin purses 2

Crdit card purse by Akke Jonkhof
Credit card Purse Akke Jonkhof
coin purse Spinning round by Akke Jonkhof
Coin purse Spinning round by Akke Jonkhof
Coin purse Spinning round by Akke Jonkhof
Lace purse by Akke Jonkhof
Lace purse by Akke Jonhof
Lace purse by Akke Jonkhof

2 gedachten over “Coin purses 2

  1. Hello
    I am having trouble purchasing a kiss clasp needed for the pattern COIN PURSE TUMBLING BLOCKS.
    would you kindly advise me?
    Please do not suggest a company from China because delivery is too long.
    Thank you.
    Elissa gold

    • Hi Elissa,
      I bought mine on AliExpress but you do not want to wait that long. I do not know where you are from but they also sell these kisse clasps on Amazon

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